

Front-End Development




Front-End Development


I helped with HTML5 and CSS3 for the portal website. I also added the device and software engineers by providing a re-working of CSS and images optimized for iPad, Windows 7 Touch and a Desktop application. I worked with Qt, Expression Blend, XAML and Interface Builder.

Copia offers to it's users the most flexibility in reading platforms, Acrobat from Adobe for any e-reader, desktop reading both Mac and PC, iPad, Windows 7 Touch, and coming soon Android.

This example shows one of the socializing pages for Copia. It is a discussion board between friends. I wrote HTML5 and CSS 3 for the navigation of the site, page and user module. I made sure the user names and content that was dynamic didn't break the design and flow of the experience.

Each form of social interaction on Copia is colored coded. Yellow denoted the entire community, orange is for group discussions, blue is for your friends, and green is for your personal page.

I was also involved with making customizing user controls with XAML in Expression Blend 4 for developers to then add in functionality. Shown here are the visual states of the Copia application icons.

This is a detail of Copia on the iPad. It shows how a user can share progress and status while reading your e-book.

I not only created graphics faithful to creative mock-ups, but also made custom icons in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS5 matching the system style of the iPad.

Copia had a Windows 7 application as well. This is the title page, encouraging readers to browse for new e-books, or search for a specific e-book. I aided in creating the user interface by producing XAML from Adobe Illustrator of use in Expression Blend 4

Copia's Windows 7 application showing the e-books currently stored and ready for reading.

I was also involved with making customizing user controls with XAML in Expression Blend 4 for developers to then add in functionality. Shown here are the visual states of the Copia application icons.

This page shows the various ways readers can use the Copia software, on devices, on website, or desktop.